An Introduction to OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 AI

An Introduction to OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 AI

If you use the internet on a regular basis, it’s possible that you’ve come across or heard anything about artificial intelligence (AI) picture production, text to image AI, or DALL-E AI in recent times. But if you’re still confused about what the big deal is, don’t worry about it; that’s just normal!

When it comes to the state of technology, we are living in amazing times. Every day, it appears as if a new technology disclosure is made that causes a stir, imposes an indirect promise, causes some people to be afraid while simultaneously exciting others. In recent times, that technology has evolved into text to image AI, and more precisely, an artificial intelligence known as DALL-E.

But what precisely is this so-called “new” technology, what can it do, and where did it first make its appearance?

What precisely is the DALL-E 2 AI?

This new artificial intelligence system, known as DALL-E 2, is the successor of OpenAI’s original DALL-E, which made its debut in January of 2021. The updated version of the software is capable of creating high-quality, realistic pictures and art based purely on descriptive language that is submitted by a user. In addition, the current version of the program has up to four times the resolution of the earlier technology. In addition to that, it may modify an existing picture in order to include brand new and intriguing aspects into the composition. These photorealistic alterations are amazing in their own right, even when compared to the completely created photos.

It is intended that the name DALL-E is a mashup of the well-known Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dal and the adorable, cube-shaped robot WALL-E created by Pixar.

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory that was established in 2015. OpenAI is the company that developed DALL-E and DALL-E 2 AI. The firm is a subsidiary of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP, which is itself a subsidiary of the non-profit parent organization Open AI Inc.

The members of the OpenAI team have expressed their desire that “DALL-E 2 would enable users to artistically express themselves.” Additionally, DALL-E 2 aides us in comprehending how advanced AI systems see and make sense of the world around them, which is essential to our aim of developing AI that is of service to mankind.

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How the AI That Converts Text to Images Works

The following is taken directly from the website of OpenAI: DALL-E 2 operates via a technique called diffusion: “[DALL-E 2] begins with a pattern of random dots and progressively transforms that pattern towards an image when it identifies particular characteristics of that picture,” you are told. “[DALL-E 2] begins with a pattern of random dots.”

However, what this implies for users is that they may essentially enter any descriptive language or prompt (as long as it is suitable and within the realm of what is considered to be reasonable comprehension), and DALL-E will produce relevant pictures based purely on the words they provided. It’s quite amazing to think about. As was indicated before, the application that uses machine learning is also able to modify and add to an existing picture, making it even more remarkable than it already was.

Do you want to witness an octopus smoking a cigar while sitting on the moon? Sure. What do you think about re-creating a well-known artwork, but this time giving the subject Groucho Marx spectacles to wear? You bet.

Those are some really absurd instances of the kinds of things that are made possible by this technology. On the other hand, it is also capable of producing authentic, high-quality photos as well as unique works of art that are on par with some of the most accomplished examples of human creative effort. As a consequence of this, there are a variety of perspectives on the technology, particularly among those working in creative fields who are concerned that it is out to get them.

Because of the AI’s incredible capacity to spew forth such realistic pictures, many individuals are left wondering whether or not DALL-E 2 will put an end to creative vocations. Considering how convincing computer-generated visuals may be, this is undeniably a reasonable topic to ask.

On the positive side, OpenAI harbors the optimistic expectation that their technology will, in the long run, be put to beneficial use. They have indicated that they find value in the system’s ability to support artists in their creative process by striking inspiration, and that this is something that they believe gives the system worth.

Ken Boostrom, our very own Director of Design and User Experience, was just allowed into the BETA launch and is now able to use DALL-E 2 to generate artificial intelligence artwork and visuals.

“As a tool for creation, it’s really excellent and creates unique photos, compositions, lighting, a visual breakdown of styles, personalities, and so much more,” Ken added. “It generates unique images, compositions, lighting, and so much more.” “I summoned Leonardo da Vinci to draw out a monster, and I begged Renoir, my favorite painter, to make two lovers beneath a peach tree,” the narrator said. “I conjured him.”

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Ken’s prompt: “Two lovers under a peach tree in a lush garden in the style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir”
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en’s prompt: “A dragon in Conté crayon in the style of Leonardo Di Vinci”

“Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and it’s a tremendously useful tool. “In order to properly feed it, all of us (designers, artists, writers, etc.) need to become quite proficient in AI commands, lists of scenarios, descriptive terms, artists, styles, and ideas,” Ken added.

And it seems like a good place to begin would be with DALL-E.

Is DALL-E a Free and Open Source Project That Anyone Can Use?

Open-source software is software for which the original source code has been released into the public domain and is freely accessible to users. This gives users the ability to alter the program and distribute it in any way that suits their needs.

Consider the concept of “public domain” in the context of the music and television industries. When anything enters the public domain, it means that individuals are allowed to utilize the subject matter in question without being constrained by copyright restrictions. It’s basically the same concept as before: the programmers have made the software’s source code available to the public, and they’ve said that anybody is free to use it and alter it in any way they see appropriate.

But before we get into it, let’s address the subject at hand: is DALL-E 2 open source? In a word, the answer is no. The response is “not yet,” which is a little more lengthy and leaves room for interpretation.

The version of DALL-E 2 hosted by OpenAI has been trained to exclude explicit material such as images of a violent, sexual, or hostile nature. This content may include the following: The most significant risk associated with making the technology open-source is the potential for all of that training to be undone when people always misuse the AI tool.

If you want to utilize DALL-E 2 while it’s hosted on OpenAI, however, you are forced to comply with their content policy. This is the case regardless of whether you use it or not.

However, this has not prevented rival businesses or even lone wolves from developing their own own AI image processing systems. Although DALL-E Mini is not a direct product of OpenAI, its code is heavily based on that of DALL-E and DALL-E 2, and it was used extensively in the creation of AI-generated memes. DALL-E Mini was responsible for taking the internet by storm and was used extensively in the creation of AI-generated memes.

And just in case you were wondering, here is a rundown of their price structure:

DALL-E is quite inexpensive to use. According to OpenAI, users are able to develop using DALL-E at no cost using credits that automatically reload once a month. In addition, those who have larger needs will have the opportunity to acquire more credits in increments of 115 for the low price of $15 each.

Images that were generated by DALL-E 2 being Sold

OpenAI made the announcement that DALL-E 2 will be entering BETA testing in July 2022. They also detailed how their credit scheme would function in order to offer users with access to the technology. An explanation of copyright was included in that announcement; specifically, it stated, “Users get full usage rights to commercialize the images they create with DALL-E 2, including the right to print, sell, and merchandise.” (Users get full usage rights to commercialize the images they create with DALL-E 2.) This comprises photos that they created while doing a preview of the study.

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People who will eventually utilize this technology to their advantage to generate imagery that is distinctive and fascinating will find this to be a very positive development. OpenAI has also gotten some feedback from its users about how they plan to use DALL-E, such as the following examples:

  • Commissioned work, such as illustrations for children’s books, is one example.
  • Art for newsletters.
  • Character design and concept art for video games.
  • moodboards for the purpose of design consultation.
  • Storyboards are used in motion pictures.

Despite the fact that DALL-E is now operational and you may purchase credits to render, it is very clear that the shape of the AI that we are presently seeing will not be its ultimate manifestation. OpenAI is committed about continuing to develop the technology, making changes and tweaks wherever they are necessary, and ensuring that it is safe to use in the future.

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